Top 5 Soft Skills to Excel in Your Career

When you apply for a job, the technical skills in the job description are critical - but it's your soft skills that can help you get ahead in the interview and throughout your career. Many soft skills are sought-after and transferable in any role. It’s what makes you a great employee to work with.

Here are some of the top five soft skills to excel in your career:

1. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a measure of one’s ability to process emotions and make good decisions. Someone who has a high EQ possesses certain characteristics such as self-awareness, empathy, and social skills. These traits are valuable in the workplace and enable you to understand others' emotions, regulate your own emotions, and communicate your needs well. Practice attentive listening and ask questions to better understand and connect with your team.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

As soon as the pandemic hit, there have been massive changes in the economy. Some companies changed their work policies for employees to work from home indefinitely, while others are expected to adapt to a hybrid workplace. Work training, team meetings, and office schedules have changed drastically during this time, so being able to adapt and be flexible to these changing priorities are important skills to have.

3. Cultural Sensitivity

Many of us have a diverse workplace with people of different cultures, ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Cultural sensitivity is an essential skill to develop to interact and collaborate with others in harmony. It is being aware of other cultures' differences and similarities while being curious about their values and beliefs. It is also acknowledging how your own culture has impacted you and noticing your own biases and prejudices in the workplace.

4. Oral and Written Communication

We all know that communication is a top skill to practice consistently to build and maintain relationships. If you're unable to speak with your colleagues in person, communicate better by learning their communication style and preference whether that’s via a written email or a video call. Express your needs and opinions openly to build trust and rapport in the workplace.

5. Creative Problem-Solving

You will likely encounter many challenges and problems throughout your workday. A lot of the time, you will undergo a rigorous decision-making process, exhausting your resources and receiving help from others. Creative problem-solving requires you to think outside of the box and use the STAR method to brainstorm various tools and approaches, weigh the pros and cons, and reflect on what you can improve on for next time.  

Now that you’re aware of the top soft skills needed to excel in your career, what are some ways you can develop them?

Provide Specific Examples For Your Soft Skills

At the end of every week, take the time to jot down some of the challenges you faced at work and the skills you practiced to solve these problems. Think of several different examples for each soft skill that you have. Keep a list of these skills to craft your resumes and cover letters for future positions and use them to prepare for your interviews!

Ask For Feedback During Employee Performance Reviews

During your performance reviews, seize the opportunity to discuss your accomplishments, areas for improvement, goals, and other feedback with your manager. This is also a good time to ask your manager if there’s anything you can help out with, any room for advancement, and certain skills you want to develop and how. It’s also ideal to schedule meetings regularly to touch base and follow up on your previous discussions. 

Propose Opportunities For Your Own Growth

If there are certain skills you want to develop, make sure you express this to your manager and propose opportunities to learn and gain experience. Opportunities include asking for additional training, taking on an assigned role or a new project, and taking courses. TalentEgg has a huge database of resources on various programs, courses, and certifications you can take from Canada’s top colleges, universities, and institutions. They even have e-learning courses for you to uplevel your soft skills to advance in your career!

What soft skills are important in your workplace and how can you develop them?

Originally published at TalentEgg.