Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash
I know what it’s like to feel behind in life.
I know what it’s like to work hard and plan a life that you want, only to have it turn out completely different from what you imagined it to be. I know what it’s like to look at other people around you and wonder why you aren’t there yet. I know what it’s like to read past letters you wrote to your future self, “I hope you are this and this… I hope you’ve accomplished so and so…” only to crumble them up in frustration because you’re still not there yet.
This is where you stop comparing yourself with other people and who you think you should be. This is where you let go of expectations and timelines. This is where you stay patient and hold onto faith. This is where you stop being so hard on yourself and practice self-compassion instead.
Trust that everything you envisioned yourself to be and everything that you deeply desire to happen will happen at its own divine timing. Trust in yourself to find a balance between creating the life of your dreams and surrendering to the universe. Because you can have everything that you want — just not all at once.
This is where you focus on all the good things in your life and how far you’ve come. This is where you reflect on all your accomplishments and struggles you’ve overcame to be the strong warrior you are today.
This is where you own your story and who you are.
I know what it’s like to feel behind in every aspect of your life. But you’re not a late bloomer. It’s fair to say that everyone’s journey is entirely different and the biggest lesson I’m learning through mine is to love myself.
I’m learning to fall in love with my imperfections. I’m learning to be kinder to myself as I would to a friend. I’m learning to take better care of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’m learning to take more risks and make more mistakes. I’m learning to focus my time and energy on those who truly matter. I’m learning to pursue a purpose bigger than myself. I’m learning to open my heart to vulnerability. I’m learning to choose courage over comfort.
I’m learning to choose love over fear.
So the next time you sit with disappointment and wonder to yourself, “Why am I such a late bloomer?” disregard that thought.
Switch it to, “I am becoming the person I’m meant to be. I’m making progress day-by-day and becoming the best version I can be right now. And I couldn’t be anymore proud.”
Published at Thrive Global