Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Holidays are an exciting but exhausting time of year. Are you feeling stressed with all the work and commitments you have? This holiday season might look very different for many of us but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it and spread some holiday cheer.
Here are some fun ways you can destress and take care of yourself during the holidays:
Engage with those you love
This is the best time to engage with those who are close to your heart. Think of creative ways to show that you care if you’re unable to meet in person. Set up a virtual games night, mail out a DIY card, or drop off some homemade cookies at their door. A simple heartfelt message or call can go a long way. Surround yourself with people who uplift you even from a distance and don’t be afraid to connect with new people around the world in the virtual space.
Make time for play
Both school and work can be extremely draining and it can be difficult to set healthy boundaries around your schedule. Make sure you schedule in time for play — play and rest are as equally important as work. Do things that light you up like a passion project or self-care activities that can help you destress. Baking, writing, video editing or painting are some fun activities to try and indulge in!
Declutter your space
As we are nearing the end of the year, this is a great time to clear your space and mind. Take a look at the space around you and declutter using the KonMari Method. Keep things that spark joy and it will help you feel more organized with your life and for the new year. You can even decorate it with pictures, quotes, lights, and more, to create positive energy and a relaxing atmosphere.
Limit your time on social media
Set a healthy amount of time on social media so that you don’t spiral into social comparison and become overloaded with irrelevant information for hours on end. Instead of mindless scrolling, you can catch up on world news and educational media, follow positive and inspiring content, build your professional brand, and even set up informational interviews to engage and expand your network! Use social media to your advantage and focus on your self-growth.
Take yourself out on a date
Make time for solitude and take yourself out on a fun date! Remember that the holiday season is not only about expressing love and gratitude for others but for yourself as well. Make yourself a priority and practice self-compassion. Whether that’s watching a holiday movie, reading a good book, or taking yourself out for a winter hike in the snow — do what brings you joy.
What will you do to destress during the holidays? Think of some fun and creative self-care activities that you can schedule in and share with us on social media. Find us as ‘TalentEgg’ and tag us on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.
Published at TalentEgg.