Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
We can all agree that long commutes to work are a pain in the ass. And one of the best ways to spend that time productively is to watch TED Talks that fuel your mind. If you dig inspiring content as much as I do— then here are five TED Talks to trigger change in your life. Changemakers, this one’s for you!
Refusing to Settle: The Quarter-Life Crisis
Adam Smiley Poswolsky
Are you stuck in a quarter-life crisis and want to find meaningful work? In this inspiring TED talk, Smiley shares the lessons he learned throughout his career journey. Despite having a high-paying, stable job that looks great on paper, he was simply…miserable. Many millennials today such as myself, can relate to Smiley on so many levels. He shared some tangible advice with us, such as “When you find believers, you find accountability” and “Don’t climb the career ladder to nowhere, build a career that matters to you.”
What I learned from 100 Days of Rejection
Jia Jiang
Jia shares the story of how he overcame the fear of rejection through a comical TED talk. He tested the ‘rejection therapy’ theory by going out and seeking rejection for 100 days straight. By the end of it, he ‘desensitized’ himself from the pain. Throughout his journey, he learned to stay engaged and deal with rejection, rather than run from it. Watch how Jia turn rejection into opportunity. He discovered many things, such as one common theme amongst successful people: “These people did not let rejection define them. They let their own reaction after rejection define themselves. They embraced rejection.”
The Power of Introverts
Susan Cain
This one is dedicated to my fellow introverts. Believe it: you too can be an outstanding leader by leveraging your introvert powers! In a culture where extroverts are celebrated, many introverts struggle internally feeling alone and underappreciated. But Susan shares with us the many talents and abilities that introverts possesses, because “When it comes to creativity and leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best.”
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
Amy Cuddy
In her passionate talk, Harvard psychologist and professor Amy Cuddy studies nonverbal communication and presents us with the concept of the ‘Power Pose’. The idea is that our body language affects our minds which affects our behaviours and therefore our outcomes. So stand tall, give a firm handshake, and don’t allow fear to hold you back. “Fake it till you become it.”
The Power of Believing You Can Improve
Carol Dweck
Adapting a ‘growth mindset’ does wonders and here’s how. Researcher Carol Dweck studies motivation and how people can foster success in their lives. In this Talk, she described two ways of thinking. Rather than believing that something can't happen because of your incapability, adapt the ‘Power of Yet’ mindset or simply, ‘Not yet.’ Believe that you can improve and become smarter and better with time.
Could You Change a Person’s Life in 20 Seconds?
Bobby Umar
Bobby Umar is a 5x TEDx speaker, super connector, and personal brand expert. I had the privilege of meeting him at his Discover Your Personal Brand Conference (DYPB) a few years back and was blown away by his expertise and influence. Here we have his most recent thought-provoking talk about the power of touch. Bobby presents us with the bold idea of being proactive by engaging in 20-second hugs. With many scientifically proven benefits such as increased trust, connection, joy and fulfillment—your next daily challenge is to hug others fearlessly!
What inspiring Ted Talks do you recommend?
Published at Thrive Global